Toppmøte — to elitekorps på én scene
lørdag 22. mars 2025, 19:00 | Fartein Valen
fredag | 09. mai 202509. mai 2025 | 15:00 |
Join us for the EBBC 2025 in Stavanger, where you will have the opportunity to listen to top brass bands from all over Europe. They will be competing in four different sections, including to sections for youth bands. The bands are all qualified through national competitions or nominated by their national brass band federation. The EBBC 2025 will also host the Conductors competition.
On Sunday the 11th of May, you can experience The European Youth Brass Band Championship. This Championship provides a platform for Europe’s finest youth brass bands to perform a programme of musical excellence which is also entertaining in a competitive environment. In doing so, this will encourage the development of youth brass bands throughout the member countries of the European Brass Band Association, fostering enduring social links between the young people taking part and will help to create a better understanding of the cultural diversity throughout Europe. They will be competing in the Premier Section and the Development Section.
EBBC – Championship Section
The Championship Section consists of the winning band from the previous year and the champion band and/or nominated band from each European country. The competition consists of a set test piece, this year written by the Norwegian composer Fredrick Schjelderup. This will be performed by all bands on Friday 9th of May.
A few more tickets will be released around March 10th as soon as all contesting bands are confirmed.
Norges Musikkorps Forbund
søndag 09. februar 2025, 14:00 | Kuppelhallen
søndag 09. februar 2025, 15:30 | Fartein Valen
fredag 14. februar 2025, 08:00 | Mesaninen
fredag 14. februar 2025, 19:00 | Kuppelhallen
fredag 14. februar 2025, 19:00 | Zetlitz
fredag 14. februar 2025, 19:30 | Fartein Valen
fredag 14. februar 2025, 21:00 | Kuppelhallen
lørdag 15. februar 2025, 19:00 | Kuppelhallen
lørdag 15. februar 2025, 20:00 | Zetlitz
søndag 16. februar 2025, 18:00 | Fartein Valen
tirsdag 18. februar 2025, 19:00 | Fartein Valen
onsdag 19. februar 2025, 19:00 | Fartein Valen