Toppmøte — to elitekorps på én scene
lørdag 22. mars 2025, 19:00 | Fartein Valen
torsdag | 08. mai 202508. mai 2025 | 20:15 | Kjøp |
EBBA is delighted that the 8th European Conductor Competition will take place in Stavanger 4 – 8 May 2025.
The conductors selected to compete in person will have the opportunity to conduct a variety of fine regional ensembles. It is a pleasure to introduce the ensembles for the 1st round, 2nd round and final.
Schedule for the European Conductors Competition
Sunday 4th May: 1st round at the University of Stavanger – Faculty of Performing Arts
Tuesday 6th May: 2nd round in the Kuppelhallen, Stavanger Konserthus
Thursday 8th May: Finale in the Kuppelhallen, Stavanger Konserthus
Stavanger Brass Band
The famous Stavanger Brass Band will play in the final of the European Conductors Competition. Stavanger Brass Band was founded in 1981 and has been one of the leading Norwegian bands since then. The band has won the Norwegian national title no less than ten times and has won several other contest titles throughout the years. The entertainment contest, Siddis Brass, is hosted by Stavanger Brass Band in November every year and attracts more than 50 bands. Siddis Brass is an important arena for new repertoire and developing entertainment concepts for brass bands internationally. Stavanger Brass Band has been the winner of the Championship Section of the Siddis Brass competition a total of eight times.
The band has actively commissioned new music from Norwegian composers of different genres, ranging from contemporary, jazz and orchestral to organ music. For many years the band has been a driving force within the innovative trends in Norwegian banding. This reputation has paved the way for invitations to play at prestigious events and festivals in Norway and internationally. Stavanger Brass Band has been at the forefront among Norwegian bands when it comes to international touring. Since 2000, the band has toured England, Scotland, USA, Netherlands, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, France and Wales.
Pieces to be performed in the final are:
Fraternity by Thierry Deleruyelle
Catharsis by Kjetil Djønne
Lowry Sketchbook by Philip Wilby
Norges Musikkorps Forbund
søndag 09. februar 2025, 14:00 | Kuppelhallen
søndag 09. februar 2025, 15:30 | Fartein Valen
fredag 14. februar 2025, 08:00 | Mesaninen
fredag 14. februar 2025, 19:00 | Kuppelhallen
fredag 14. februar 2025, 19:00 | Zetlitz
fredag 14. februar 2025, 19:30 | Fartein Valen
fredag 14. februar 2025, 21:00 | Kuppelhallen
lørdag 15. februar 2025, 19:00 | Kuppelhallen
lørdag 15. februar 2025, 20:00 | Zetlitz
søndag 16. februar 2025, 18:00 | Fartein Valen
tirsdag 18. februar 2025, 19:00 | Fartein Valen
onsdag 19. februar 2025, 19:00 | Fartein Valen